UMGC Computer Science Degree Plan: Difference between revisions

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|Relational Database Concepts and Applications
|Relational Database Concepts and Applications
|CMIS 320
|Introduction to Relational Databases
<small>Note: This matches the required course name. However, it is not confirmed to work, so take it at your own risk.</small>
|Advanced Programming Languages
|Advanced Programming Languages
Line 152: Line 153:
|9 credits must be taken at UMGC
|9 credits must be taken at UMGC
<small>Note: It is not worth taking more than 10 courses at UMGC due to the extra time and cost, so if you were to transfer in everything including the non-confirmed courses, you should be able to complete the minor without having to take more than 10 courses at UMGC.</small>

Revision as of 06:34, 20 March 2024

General Education Requirement

Here is a Computer Science Degree Plan for University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) as of approximately March of 2024. Please make sure that the suggestions are still valid before beginning to follow this plan.

Alt Courses

The alternative credit courses were handpicked using experience from previous students regarding which courses will be the easiest and quickest to take.

Tips on Order in Which to Complete Courses

Start with Unfortunately, Sophia only allows two courses to be open at one time, so only complete one course at a time that has touchstones (written assignments). Once done with Sophia, move on to

How Long Will It Take To Complete This Degree Once I Finish All the Alterative Credits?

Terms are 8 weeks long. Typically, you will take 2 classes per term which is full-time. If you transfer in 90 credits, you could complete a degree in around 10-12 months.

Source of Credit

This degree plan was made using this source to map out all the alternative credits.

Sophia Equivalents Equivalents

StraighterLine Equivalents

CLEP, DSST, AP Exams Equivalents and other Alt credit equivalents

General Education Requirements | 41 Credits

There are a total of 41 credits worth of General Education Requirements.

Please refer to the UMGC GE Requirements Roadmap for details and suggestions on courses that will fulfill this requirement.

Computer Science Major | 36 Credits

  • At least 36 credits must be upper-level and include at least one-half of the credits required for the major. The remaining upper-level credits may be earned in any part of the curriculum.
  • At least half the required number of credits for any major must be earned through graded coursework. Credits earned by examination, portfolio assessment, and noncollegiate training do not count as graded coursework.

Review rules for Bachelor's Degree Requirements.







Course Name
Introductory Programming Sophia CMIS 141 Introduction to Java Programming

Note: This matches the required course name. However, it is not confirmed to work, so take it at your own risk.

Intermediate Programming
Computer Systems and Architecture CMIS 310 Computer Science 306: Computer Architecture

Note: Reportedly, this works.

Fundamentals of Networking Sophia CMIT 265 Introduction to Networking
Data Structures and Analysis CMSC 350 Computer Science 201: Data Structures & Algorithm

Note: Reportedly, this works.

Relational Database Concepts and Applications Sophia CMIS 320 Introduction to Relational Databases

Note: This matches the required course name. However, it is not confirmed to work, so take it at your own risk.

Advanced Programming Languages
Object-Oriented and Concurrent Programming
Software Engineering Principles and Techniques CMIS 330 Computer Science 307: Software Engineering

Note: Reportedly, this works.

Compiler Theory and Design
Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms
Capstone in Computer Science

Related Required Courses | 10 Credits

These are required courses not covered in General Education







Course Name
Introduction to Problem Solving and Algorithm Design Sophia CMIS 102 Introduction to Python Programming

Note: Note: This matches the required course name. However, it is not confirmed to work, so take it at your own risk. This course can also go into GE under Research and Computing Literacy, which would give you 3 extra electives.

Calculus II (4 credits) StraighterLine MATH 141 General Calculus II
Introduction to Discrete Structures CMSC 150 Math 108: Discrete Mathematics

Minor & Elective Credits | 32 Credits

Take whatever courses you want for electives. Review the rules of minors before you add minors.

Course Required Competency

Units Value



Course ID Course Name Credit
Minor (optional) 15 9 credits must be taken at UMGC

Note: It is not worth taking more than 10 courses at UMGC due to the extra time and cost, so if you were to transfer in everything including the non-confirmed courses, you should be able to complete the minor without having to take more than 10 courses at UMGC.

Free Electives 17 Take whatever you want 32
Total 32 32

Total Transfer Credit

Course Required Competency

Units Value



Course ID Course Name Credit

(Max 90cr)

General Education Requirements 42 39
Computer Science Major 36 12
Related Required Courses 10 7
Minor (optional) 15 0
Free Electives 17 32
Total 120 90

*To copy this degree plan, hold down left mouse button, drag to select tables, then copy/paste (CTR+C/CTR+P) to Sheets or Excel.